Feb 5, 2023Liked by Mark Palmer

I agree with the whole hive mind idea to a point, but it's an ongoing commitment to fill that content bucket. David Marchese had a fine NYT piece called "The Digital Workplace Is Designed to Bring You Down" last month where he interviewed Cal Newport, who's writing a book on slow productivity. In his view, a problem of the hyperactive hive-mind work flow is that it makes productivity so personal that "you put the pressure on individuals to figure out how to organize their work," but the constant context shifting from one channel to another becomes "productivity poison." Slow productivity has three principles: do fewer things, work a natural pace, but obsess over quality. Just a thought.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Mark Palmer

Connect/read/write is a great discipline for the new year. I'm also reminded of the power of paper and physical sketching--they tell you in design thinking sessions that adding a sketch to your post it note increases your investment in the idea and you ability to sell it. Thanks for posting Mark!

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I completely agree with this but the LinkedIn part is frustrating me because I get such limited feedback. I'm getting a lot of readers, but I have to curate my feedback loops. What's been disapointnig in my AB testing on LinkedIn is that the more banal and mediocre the topic is, the more likely it gets engagement. Put a picture of Einstein with a falsely attributed quote! Tons of engagement. Put a piece about critical thinking....crickets :)

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